martes, 2 de junio de 2009

1. Abdomen: The abdomen is the portion of the body between the chest and pelvis, which contains in its interior cavity, separated from the chest by the diaphragm. Almost all the viscera of the abdominal cavity contains belong to the digestive system. (Abdomen)

2. Acute: health are diseases that have a beginning and a clearly defined purpose. They are usually of short duration, although there is a consensus that some deadlines defined as diseases such as acute and chronic which. (Agudo)

3. AIDS: (AIDS stands for acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, AIDS in English) is a disease that affects humans infected by HIV (human immunodeficiency virus). A person is said to have AIDS when their body due to the immunosuppression caused by HIV, is not capable of providing an adequate immune response against infections that afflict humans. It is said that this infection is incontrovertible. (SIDA/Sindrome de Inmunodeficiencia Adquirida)

4. Antibody: A type of protein. The body's immune system produces antibodies when it detects harmful substances, called antigens. Examples include antigens of micro-organisms (such as bacteria, fungi, parasites and viruses) and químicos.Los antibodies also occur when the immune system mistakenly believes the healthy tissue as a harmful substance. (Anticuerpo)

5. Antigen: A substance that induces the formation of antibodies, because the immune system recognizes it as a threat. This substance may be strange (not native) from the environment (including chemicals) or formed within the body (such as viral or bacterial toxins). (Antigeno)

6. Antisepsis: Method to combat or prevent infectious diseases, destroying the microbes that cause them. (Antisepsia)

7. Artery: is becoming one of the vessels that carry blood from the heart to other parts of the body. Etymology: It comes from the Greek arteria, "tube, driving (leading)" + b / ing / tr (gr.) [which] + ia-(gr.). The arteries are conduits membranes, elastic, with divergent branches, responsible for the distribution throughout the body's blood expelled at each systole of the ventricular cavities. (Arteria)

8. Asepsis: the condition free of microorganisms that cause diseases or infections. The term can apply to both medical and surgical situations. The practice of maintaining an aseptic state in area, is called aseptic technique. (Asepsia)

9. Atria: cavity of the heart that receive blood flow. Transmits it to the ventricle, which is responsible for the circulatory system pumps. (Auricula)

10. Atrophy: a significant reduction in the size of the cell and the organ of which, due to loss of cell mass. Atrophic cells show a decrease in function but are not dead. (Atrofia)

11. Bacteria: are a large group of unicellular microorganisms. Bacteria are vital in recycling nutrients, with many steps in nutrient cycles depending on these organisms, such as the fixation of nitrogen from the atmosphere and putrefaction. (Bacteria)

12. Bata: garment resistant fabric and open people who use to perform their jobs. (Bata)

13. Bladder: is a hollow organ muscle-membrane that forms part of the urinary tract and which receives the urine from the ureters and expelled through the urethra to the exterior of the body during urination. (Vejiga Urinaria)

14. Blood: Blood is a liquid tissue that covers the body carrying cells, and all the elements needed to perform their vital functions (breathing, forming substances, fend off attacks) and a feature set very complex and very important for life. (Sangre)

15. Blood pressure: is the pressure exerted by blood against the walls of the arteries. This pressure is necessary to circulate blood through the blood vessels and supply oxygen and nutrients to all organs of the body to function. It is a type of blood pressure. (Presión Arterial)

16. Body temperatura: is the difference between the amount of heat generated by the organic process and the amount of heat lost to the outside environment. (Temperatura Corporal)

17. Bones: These are such vital organs like muscles or the brain, and with a large capacity for regeneration and reconstitution. However, there is commonly a bone as an inert structure, since it usually is in sight are the pieces of bone-dry and free of organic matter from the skeletons, after the decomposition of corpses. (Huesos)

18. Bradycardia is the decrease in heart rate. Bradycardia is considered a heart rate less than 60 ppm (beats per minute) at rest. (Bradicardia)

19. Breathing: physiological process essential to life in aerobic organisms. is one of the major functions of living organisms, by which are produced by oxidation reactions that release energy used by living things to make your metabolism. Most living organisms use oxygen for respiration. producing gas exchange. Entering mostly oxygen and expel CO2. (Respiración)

20. Bronquio: bronchus (from Greek βρογχικός: air pipe) is one of two tubular ducts that fibrocartilaginous trachea bifurcates at the level of the fourth thoracic vertebra, and entering the lungs, driving the air from the trachea to these bronchioles and the alveoli. (Bronquio)

21. Cancer: is a disease in which the body produces an excess of malignant cells (known as carcinogens, or cancer), with growth and division beyond the normal limits, (invasion of surrounding tissue, and sometimes metastasis). Metastasis is the spread at a distance, mainly via lymphatic or blood stem cells of cancer, and growth of new tumors in the duty of such metastases. These properties differentiate the benign from malignant tumors, which are limited and do not invade and produce metastasis. Most cancers form tumors but some (such as leukemia). (Cáncer)

22. Capillaries: The capillaries are the blood vessels of smaller diameter, are formed only by a layer of tissue, which allows the exchange of substances between blood and the substances that are around her. (Capilares)

23. Care: care given to another. (Cuidados)

24. Cells: The cell is a minimum unit of an organization capable of acting autonomously. All living organisms are composed of cells, and it is generally accepted that no body is a living if not, at least one cell. Some microscopic organisms such as bacteria and protozoa are single cells, whereas animals and plants are composed of many millions of cells organized into tissues and organs. (Células)

25. Chronic: Refers to something that continues or persists over an extended period of time. Chronic disease usually lasts a long time and does not disappear as fast or easy. (Crónico)

26. Coughing: is a defensive mechanism of the body to expel mucus or foreign bodies that lodge in the respiratory system. It may appear as a symptom that accompanies other processes or situations with a focus irritating. (Tos)

27. Diagnosis: is the process by which a disease is identified, a nosological syndrome, or any condition of health and disease. (Diagnóstico)

28.Dialysis is a process by which pulls toxins that the kidney does not eliminate either not work for an infection or some other factor that has not been determined. This process must occur in one quarter toilet to avoid the risk of contracting an infection in the blood during the process. (Diálisis)

29. Disease: is a process and the consequent status of condition of a living being, characterized by an alteration of its ontological status of health. (Enfermedad)

30. Drug: is a substance of animal, vegetable or mineral used for prophylaxis, treatment, cure or diagnose a disease. (Fármaco)

31. Edema: is the accumulation of fluid in the intercellular space or interstitial tissue and in the cavities of the body. The edema is considered a clinical sign, due to abnormal increase in the interstitial fluid that fills the intercellular spaces. (Edema)

32. Endemic: is a pathological process that continues over a long time in a given geographical area or population. Usually these are infectious diseases. The disease is maintained through time in a stable level, including seasonal variations. (Endemia)

33. Epidemic: is a health alert in the community that occurs when a disease affects a number of individuals than expected in a population during a given time. (Epidemia)

34. Extremities: the upper limb or chest and lower limbs or pelvic, which in colloquial language are the arms and legs respectively. However, strictly anatomical-arm and leg are just two of the segments that make up the upper and lower limbs. In the case of quadrupeds speaks of anterior and posterior. (Extremidades)

35. Fabrics: In biology called woven material consisting of an organized set of cells, at or a few types, distinguished in a certain way, arranged regularly, with a physiological and a coordinated common embryonic origin. Histology is called the study of these tissues. (Tejidos)

36. Fever: sometimes known as temperature, fever or a fever, is an increase in body temperature above what is considered normal. The spell acts as adaptive response that helps the body fight the disease-causing organisms and arises in response to a substance called pyrogen (s) derived from bacteria or viruses that invade the body. (Fiebre)

37. Fracture: is the loss of continuity of the normal bone substance. The term is extended to all types of broken bones, from those where the bone is destroyed and comprehensive course, to those very small lesions and even microscopic. (Fractura)

38. Fungus: Fungi are multicellular organisms, which feed by absorption, these plants can not synthesize its own food, living on other organisms is therefore to say they are saprophytes or parasites and are lichens. (Hongos)

39. Genitalia: the physiological anatomical areas of the body along with other factors (hormonal, genetic, etc.) Define the sex of individuals and train them for reproduction. (Genitales)

40. Hand: part of the extremities of the human body are located at the ends of the forearms are prehensile and have five fingers each. Ranging from the wrist to the fingertips in humans. Are the main body for handling environmental. (Mano)

41. Head: upper body separated from the trunk of men and more than or above that of many animals. (Cabeza)

lunes, 1 de junio de 2009

43. Headache: Headache is a symptom that can result from many diseases of different aetiologies. In general, headache is considered a symptom, which may reflect a primary disorder or may be secondary to other conditions. (Cefalea)

44. Health: is defined as a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. (Salud)

45. Heart: (out of a popular derivative of the Latin cor, cordis) is the principal organ of the circulatory system. It is a muscular body, a suction pump and impelling, sucking or inputs from the atria of the blood flowing through your veins and drives from the ventricles into the arteries. The heart is a muscular body and tapered at the thoracic cavity, which acts as a pump, pushing blood throughout the body by the movement of systole and diastole. (Corazón)

46. Hemodialysis: Hemodialysis is a method of removing waste from the blood such as potassium and urea, as well as excess water when the kidneys are incapable of this (ie when there is kidney failure). It is a form of kidney dialysis and is therefore a renal replacement therapy. (Hemodiálisis)

47. Hemorrhage: is the output of blood outside their continent is the normal cardiovascular system. It is a situation that causes a loss of blood, which can be internal (when blood leaks from blood vessels inside the body), by a natural orifice of the body (such as the vagina, mouth or rectum) or external , through a break in the skin. (Hemorragia)

48. Hepatitis: Hepatitis is an inflammatory condition or disease that affects the liver. Its cause may be infectious (viral, bacterial, etc..), Immunological (for auto-antibodies) or toxic (eg alcohol, drugs or poisons). It is also considered, depending on its etiology, a sexually transmitted disease. (Hepatitis)

49. Homeostasis: is the characteristic of an open or a closed system, especially in a living organism, which regulates the internal environment to maintain a stable and constant. Multiple dynamic equilibrium adjustments and regulation mechanisms make homeostasis may. (Homeostasis)

50. Hormones: Hormones are substances secreted by specialized cells located in glands of internal secretion, or endocrine glands (without ducts), or also by epithelial and interstitial cells in order to affect the function of other cells. (Hormonas)

51. Hospital: is a place where patients are cared for, to provide diagnosis and treatment they need. (Hospital)

52. Hypertension: is a medical condition characterized by increased numbers of blood pressure above 140/90 mmHg and one of public health problems in developed countries affecting nearly one billion people at mundial.La hypertension is an asymptomatic disease and easy to detect, however, presents with severe and lethal complications if not treated in time. (Hipertension)

53. Hypertrophy: is a medical condition characterized by increased numbers of blood pressure above 140/90 mmHg and one of public health problems in developed countries affecting nearly one billion people at mundial.La hypertension is an asymptomatic disease and easy to detect, however, presents with severe and lethal complications if not treated in time. (Hipertrofia)

54. Hypothermia: (from the Greek hypo meaning below and Thermo means heat) is the unintentional drop in body temperature below 35 º C. (Hipotermia)

55. Iatrogenesis: In medicine iatrogenia called to any alteration of the status of the patient caused by the doctor. Derives from the word iatrogénesis whose literal meaning 'caused by the doctor or healer' (iatros means' doctor 'in Greek, and genesis:' create ').
Iatrogenia is a condition, disease or condition caused or induced by doctors, medical treatments or medications. This status can also be the result of treatments of other professionals linked to the health sciences, such as therapists, psychologists or psychiatrists, pharmacists, nurses, dentists, etc.. The condition, disease or iatrogenic death can also be caused by alternative medicines. (Iatrogénesis)

56. Infarction: a body of ischemic necrosis (death of tissue), usually by obstruction of the arteries that irrigate it, either by elements within the lumen of the vessel, such as atherosclerotic plaques, or by external factors (tumors that compress the glass, torsion of a body (kyk) herniation of an organ through a natural orifice or pathological, etc.). (Infarto)

57. Inflammation: is the form of manifestation of many diseases. This is a nonspecific response to aggression against the environment and is produced by inflammatory agents. The inflammatory response occurs only in vascularized connective tissue and emerges with the defensive end to isolate and destroy harmful agents and repair damaged tissue or organ. Inflammation is known in medicine with the suffix-ITIS (pharyngitis, laryngitis, colitis ...). The biggest problem that arises from the inflammation is that the defense is directed against both malicious agents and not harmful, so as to cause injury to healthy tissues or organs. (Inflamación)

58. Ischemia: the suffering caused by the cell transient or permanent decrease in blood flow and consequent reduction of the contribution of [[oxygen], nutrients and disposal of products of metabolism of a biological tissue. This cell may be suffering intense enough to cause cell death and tissue. (Isquemia)

59. Kidneys: are excretory organs of vertebrates or bean-shaped bean. The kidneys filter the blood of the circulatory system and allow for excretion through the urine, several body's metabolic wastes (like urea, creatinine, potassium and phosphorus) through a complex system that includes mechanisms filtration, reabsorption and excretion. (Riñones)
60. Lipids: a set of organic molecules, most biomolecules, mainly composed of carbon and hydrogen and less oxygen, but may also contain phosphorus, sulfur and nitrogen, whose main feature being hydrophobic and insoluble in water but in organic solvents such as benzene, alcohol, benzene and chloroform. (Lipidos)

61. Liver: The liver is an organ or viscera of the human body, and both the gland most voluminous of the anatomy and one of the most important in terms of metabolic activity of the organism. Unique and vital functions such as synthesis of plasma proteins, detoxifying function, vitamin store, glycogen, and so on. It is also responsible for removing substances from the blood that may be harmful to the body, transforming into other innocua. (Higado)

62. Lungs: are anatomical structures (EAC) mesodermal embryonic origin, belonging to the respiratory system, are located in the rib cage, both sides delimiting the mediastinum, dimensions vary, the right lung is slightly larger than its left counterpart. Lung function is to carry out gas exchange with blood. (Pulmones)

63. Mask: mask that only covers the upper face, to protect the patient and health staff of any kind of infection. (Mascarilla)

64. Muscle: is a contractile organ that is part of the human body and other animals. Is composed of muscle tissue. Muscles are related to the skeleton or form part of the structure of various organs and apparatus. (Músculo)

65. Neck: is the narrowest of the body joining the head with the trunk. (Cuello)

66. Nephron: is the basic structural and functional unit of the kidney, responsible for purifying the blood. Its main function is to filter the blood to regulate water and soluble substances, absorbed what is necessary and the remainder excreted as urine. It is located mainly in the renal cortex. (Nefrona)

67. Nutrition: is the biological process in which organisms assimilate food and fluids necessary for operation, growth and maintenance of their vital functions. Nutrition is the science that studies the relationship between food and health, especially in the determination of a diet. (Nutrición)

68. Nurse: a person who cares and attends to the sick. (Emfermera)

69. Nursing: is a profession of graduates engaged in the care of individuals, families and the community at all stages of their life cycle and development processes. (Enfermería)

70. Neurons: a type of nervous system cells whose main characteristic is its plasma membrane excitability, are specialized in the reception of stimuli and the nerve impulse conduction (in the form of action potential) among themselves or with other cell types. (Neuronas)

71. Ophthalmoscope: is an instrument to see extended the back of the eye of a patient, where the retina. (Oftalmoscopio)

72. Otoscope: an instrument for examining the ear canal and eardrum. (Otoscopio)

73. Ovary: (lat. Ovum, egg, gr. Ooforon) is the female gonad production and secretion of sex hormones and ova. (Ovario)

74. Pain: Pain is an emotional experience (subjective) and sensorial (objective), usually unpleasant, that may all living beings have a nervous system. It is an experience associated with tissue injury or expressed as if it existed. (Dolor)

75. Pancreas: is a glandular organ located in the digestive and endocrine systems of vertebrates. It is both an endocrine gland (producing some important hormones, including insulin, glucagon and somatostatin), as well as an exocrine gland (which secretes pancreatic juice containing digestive enzymes that pass into the small intestine).(Pancreas)

76. Parasite: is one living being that lives and thrives at the expense of another living being without providing any benefit to the latter, in some cases can cause damage or injury. (Parásito)

77. Pathology:-the Greek study (λογία, technology) of suffering or harm (πάθος, pathos) - is part of medicine in charge of studying the disease in its broadest sense, ie as processes or known causes of abnormal states or unknown. (Patología)

78. Platelets: The thrombocytes or platelets are cells of about 3 m in diameter, found in the blood and is formed from a cell type called megacariocito.Son irregular, with no nucleus or other organelles. Has an average life of 7 to 10 days. Have great importance in blood coagulation by its ability to be added to each other in response to various stimuli. Form clots, because they have granules of active substances for the coagulation. (Plaquetas)

79. Plasma: is the liquid fraction of blood and acellular. It is composed of 90% water and many dissolved substances in it. Of these are the most abundant proteins. It also contains carbohydrates and lipids, as well as waste products of metabolism. Is the major component of blood, since it represents about 55% of the total blood volume. The remaining 45% corresponds to the forms (this scale is related to the hematocrit). (Plasma)

80. Prostate: The prostate (from Greek προστάτης - prostate, literally "you are first," "protector, guardian") is a glandular organ of the genitourinary tract, exclusive of men, shaped like a chestnut, located in front of the rectum, below and out of the bladder. Contains cells that produce the seminal fluid that protects and nourishes sperm in the semen. (Próstata)

81. Proteins: These are macromolecules composed of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen. Most also contain sulfur and phosphorus. They are formed by the union of several amino acids linked by peptide links. The order and arrangement of amino acids in a protein depends on the genetic code, DNA, of the person. (Proteínas)

82. Pulmonary Alveoli: are diverticula of the terminal bronchial tree, where gas exchange takes place between the inspired air and blood. (Alveolos Pulmonares)

83. Pulse: the pulse is caused by the expansion of their arteries as a result of the circulation of blood pumped by the heart. (Pulse)

84. Rib: is a bone of the chest, long and level, in number 12 on each side, 7 true, 3 false, 2 floating, in the form of an arc with a body with two faces, internal and external, two edges, top and bottom and two ends, back and anterior.Se in the chest, made of cartilage in the most medial aspect of his previous and bone in the lateral and posterior aspects, which constitute the most visible part of the bony skeleton of the thoracic cavity , giving a cage, which are linked to each of the twelve dorsal or thoracic vertebrae and behind the sternum, through the corresponding costal cartilage, ahead. (Costilla)

85. Red: a quantitative elements are more numerous in the blood. Hemoglobin is one of its main components and their purpose is to carry oxygen to different tissues of the body. (Glóbulos Rojos)

86. Solution: Liquid preparations containing one or more water-soluble substances. (Solución)

87. Skin: is the largest organ of the human body or animal. It acts as a protective barrier that insulates the body of the medium surrounding it, helping to protect and maintain their structures intact, while serving as a communication system with the environment, and this varies in each species. (Piel)

88. Sick: A patient is a human being suffering from an illness, whether consciously or not their state. (Enfermo)

89. Shock: This is a potentially fatal condition that occurs when the body is not getting enough blood flow, which can cause damage to multiple organs. Requires immediate medical treatment and may get worse very quickly. (Shock)