43. Headache: Headache is a symptom that can result from many diseases of different aetiologies. In general, headache is considered a symptom, which may reflect a primary disorder or may be secondary to other conditions. (Cefalea)
44. Health: is defined as a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. (Salud)
45. Heart: (out of a popular derivative of the Latin cor, cordis) is the principal organ of the circulatory system. It is a muscular body, a suction pump and impelling, sucking or inputs from the atria of the blood flowing through your veins and drives from the ventricles into the arteries. The heart is a muscular body and tapered at the thoracic cavity, which acts as a pump, pushing blood throughout the body by the movement of systole and diastole. (Corazón)
46. Hemodialysis: Hemodialysis is a method of removing waste from the blood such as potassium and urea, as well as excess water when the kidneys are incapable of this (ie when there is kidney failure). It is a form of kidney dialysis and is therefore a renal replacement therapy. (Hemodiálisis)
47. Hemorrhage: is the output of blood outside their continent is the normal cardiovascular system. It is a situation that causes a loss of blood, which can be internal (when blood leaks from blood vessels inside the body), by a natural orifice of the body (such as the vagina, mouth or rectum) or external , through a break in the skin. (Hemorragia)
48. Hepatitis: Hepatitis is an inflammatory condition or disease that affects the liver. Its cause may be infectious (viral, bacterial, etc..), Immunological (for auto-antibodies) or toxic (eg alcohol, drugs or poisons). It is also considered, depending on its etiology, a sexually transmitted disease. (Hepatitis)
49. Homeostasis: is the characteristic of an open or a closed system, especially in a living organism, which regulates the internal environment to maintain a stable and constant. Multiple dynamic equilibrium adjustments and regulation mechanisms make homeostasis may. (Homeostasis)
50. Hormones: Hormones are substances secreted by specialized cells located in glands of internal secretion, or endocrine glands (without ducts), or also by epithelial and interstitial cells in order to affect the function of other cells. (Hormonas)
51. Hospital: is a place where patients are cared for, to provide diagnosis and treatment they need. (Hospital)
52. Hypertension: is a medical condition characterized by increased numbers of blood pressure above 140/90 mmHg and one of public health problems in developed countries affecting nearly one billion people at mundial.La hypertension is an asymptomatic disease and easy to detect, however, presents with severe and lethal complications if not treated in time. (Hipertension)
53. Hypertrophy: is a medical condition characterized by increased numbers of blood pressure above 140/90 mmHg and one of public health problems in developed countries affecting nearly one billion people at mundial.La hypertension is an asymptomatic disease and easy to detect, however, presents with severe and lethal complications if not treated in time. (Hipertrofia)
54. Hypothermia: (from the Greek hypo meaning below and Thermo means heat) is the unintentional drop in body temperature below 35 º C. (Hipotermia)
55. Iatrogenesis: In medicine iatrogenia called to any alteration of the status of the patient caused by the doctor. Derives from the word iatrogénesis whose literal meaning 'caused by the doctor or healer' (iatros means' doctor 'in Greek, and genesis:' create ').
Iatrogenia is a condition, disease or condition caused or induced by doctors, medical treatments or medications. This status can also be the result of treatments of other professionals linked to the health sciences, such as therapists, psychologists or psychiatrists, pharmacists, nurses, dentists, etc.. The condition, disease or iatrogenic death can also be caused by alternative medicines. (Iatrogénesis)
56. Infarction: a body of ischemic necrosis (death of tissue), usually by obstruction of the arteries that irrigate it, either by elements within the lumen of the vessel, such as atherosclerotic plaques, or by external factors (tumors that compress the glass, torsion of a body (kyk) herniation of an organ through a natural orifice or pathological, etc.). (Infarto)
57. Inflammation: is the form of manifestation of many diseases. This is a nonspecific response to aggression against the environment and is produced by inflammatory agents. The inflammatory response occurs only in vascularized connective tissue and emerges with the defensive end to isolate and destroy harmful agents and repair damaged tissue or organ. Inflammation is known in medicine with the suffix-ITIS (pharyngitis, laryngitis, colitis ...). The biggest problem that arises from the inflammation is that the defense is directed against both malicious agents and not harmful, so as to cause injury to healthy tissues or organs. (Inflamación)
58. Ischemia: the suffering caused by the cell transient or permanent decrease in blood flow and consequent reduction of the contribution of [[oxygen], nutrients and disposal of products of metabolism of a biological tissue. This cell may be suffering intense enough to cause cell death and tissue. (Isquemia)
59. Kidneys: are excretory organs of vertebrates or bean-shaped bean. The kidneys filter the blood of the circulatory system and allow for excretion through the urine, several body's metabolic wastes (like urea, creatinine, potassium and phosphorus) through a complex system that includes mechanisms filtration, reabsorption and excretion. (Riñones)
lunes, 1 de junio de 2009
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