60. Lipids: a set of organic molecules, most biomolecules, mainly composed of carbon and hydrogen and less oxygen, but may also contain phosphorus, sulfur and nitrogen, whose main feature being hydrophobic and insoluble in water but in organic solvents such as benzene, alcohol, benzene and chloroform. (Lipidos)
61. Liver: The liver is an organ or viscera of the human body, and both the gland most voluminous of the anatomy and one of the most important in terms of metabolic activity of the organism. Unique and vital functions such as synthesis of plasma proteins, detoxifying function, vitamin store, glycogen, and so on. It is also responsible for removing substances from the blood that may be harmful to the body, transforming into other innocua. (Higado)
62. Lungs: are anatomical structures (EAC) mesodermal embryonic origin, belonging to the respiratory system, are located in the rib cage, both sides delimiting the mediastinum, dimensions vary, the right lung is slightly larger than its left counterpart. Lung function is to carry out gas exchange with blood. (Pulmones)
63. Mask: mask that only covers the upper face, to protect the patient and health staff of any kind of infection. (Mascarilla)
64. Muscle: is a contractile organ that is part of the human body and other animals. Is composed of muscle tissue. Muscles are related to the skeleton or form part of the structure of various organs and apparatus. (Músculo)
65. Neck: is the narrowest of the body joining the head with the trunk. (Cuello)
66. Nephron: is the basic structural and functional unit of the kidney, responsible for purifying the blood. Its main function is to filter the blood to regulate water and soluble substances, absorbed what is necessary and the remainder excreted as urine. It is located mainly in the renal cortex. (Nefrona)
67. Nutrition: is the biological process in which organisms assimilate food and fluids necessary for operation, growth and maintenance of their vital functions. Nutrition is the science that studies the relationship between food and health, especially in the determination of a diet. (Nutrición)
68. Nurse: a person who cares and attends to the sick. (Emfermera)
69. Nursing: is a profession of graduates engaged in the care of individuals, families and the community at all stages of their life cycle and development processes. (Enfermería)
70. Neurons: a type of nervous system cells whose main characteristic is its plasma membrane excitability, are specialized in the reception of stimuli and the nerve impulse conduction (in the form of action potential) among themselves or with other cell types. (Neuronas)
71. Ophthalmoscope: is an instrument to see extended the back of the eye of a patient, where the retina. (Oftalmoscopio)
72. Otoscope: an instrument for examining the ear canal and eardrum. (Otoscopio)
73. Ovary: (lat. Ovum, egg, gr. Ooforon) is the female gonad production and secretion of sex hormones and ova. (Ovario)
74. Pain: Pain is an emotional experience (subjective) and sensorial (objective), usually unpleasant, that may all living beings have a nervous system. It is an experience associated with tissue injury or expressed as if it existed. (Dolor)
75. Pancreas: is a glandular organ located in the digestive and endocrine systems of vertebrates. It is both an endocrine gland (producing some important hormones, including insulin, glucagon and somatostatin), as well as an exocrine gland (which secretes pancreatic juice containing digestive enzymes that pass into the small intestine).(Pancreas)
76. Parasite: is one living being that lives and thrives at the expense of another living being without providing any benefit to the latter, in some cases can cause damage or injury. (Parásito)
77. Pathology:-the Greek study (λογία, technology) of suffering or harm (πάθος, pathos) - is part of medicine in charge of studying the disease in its broadest sense, ie as processes or known causes of abnormal states or unknown. (Patología)
78. Platelets: The thrombocytes or platelets are cells of about 3 m in diameter, found in the blood and is formed from a cell type called megacariocito.Son irregular, with no nucleus or other organelles. Has an average life of 7 to 10 days. Have great importance in blood coagulation by its ability to be added to each other in response to various stimuli. Form clots, because they have granules of active substances for the coagulation. (Plaquetas)
79. Plasma: is the liquid fraction of blood and acellular. It is composed of 90% water and many dissolved substances in it. Of these are the most abundant proteins. It also contains carbohydrates and lipids, as well as waste products of metabolism. Is the major component of blood, since it represents about 55% of the total blood volume. The remaining 45% corresponds to the forms (this scale is related to the hematocrit). (Plasma)
80. Prostate: The prostate (from Greek προστάτης - prostate, literally "you are first," "protector, guardian") is a glandular organ of the genitourinary tract, exclusive of men, shaped like a chestnut, located in front of the rectum, below and out of the bladder. Contains cells that produce the seminal fluid that protects and nourishes sperm in the semen. (Próstata)
81. Proteins: These are macromolecules composed of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen. Most also contain sulfur and phosphorus. They are formed by the union of several amino acids linked by peptide links. The order and arrangement of amino acids in a protein depends on the genetic code, DNA, of the person. (Proteínas)
82. Pulmonary Alveoli: are diverticula of the terminal bronchial tree, where gas exchange takes place between the inspired air and blood. (Alveolos Pulmonares)
83. Pulse: the pulse is caused by the expansion of their arteries as a result of the circulation of blood pumped by the heart. (Pulse)
84. Rib: is a bone of the chest, long and level, in number 12 on each side, 7 true, 3 false, 2 floating, in the form of an arc with a body with two faces, internal and external, two edges, top and bottom and two ends, back and anterior.Se in the chest, made of cartilage in the most medial aspect of his previous and bone in the lateral and posterior aspects, which constitute the most visible part of the bony skeleton of the thoracic cavity , giving a cage, which are linked to each of the twelve dorsal or thoracic vertebrae and behind the sternum, through the corresponding costal cartilage, ahead. (Costilla)
85. Red: a quantitative elements are more numerous in the blood. Hemoglobin is one of its main components and their purpose is to carry oxygen to different tissues of the body. (Glóbulos Rojos)
86. Solution: Liquid preparations containing one or more water-soluble substances. (Solución)
87. Skin: is the largest organ of the human body or animal. It acts as a protective barrier that insulates the body of the medium surrounding it, helping to protect and maintain their structures intact, while serving as a communication system with the environment, and this varies in each species. (Piel)
88. Sick: A patient is a human being suffering from an illness, whether consciously or not their state. (Enfermo)
89. Shock: This is a potentially fatal condition that occurs when the body is not getting enough blood flow, which can cause damage to multiple organs. Requires immediate medical treatment and may get worse very quickly. (Shock)
lunes, 1 de junio de 2009
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